Solar Radio LED

About This Project


Author of design idea: Denisa Ďurica

Gives you a chois have the coloured light (bright/ambiente) of yours favourites radio stations/music genre (your frequence), at first you assign the attributes for yours later light listening.

-primary light is from translucent/non trasparent lampshade
-secondary light is from cutises for the visual effect of radio signal symbol
-lampshade (in design white part) is viably in every colour
-energy from the Sun
-remote or button control
-USB or stereo input jack

-1st button:
-turn on bottom (silver) part for selection of ligh color palette
-turn on upper (black) part for selection of radio frequency
-push to 3 positions for selection fm/am/wb radio function

-2nd button:
-turn on bottom (silver) part for selection of ligh intensity
-turn on upper (black) part for selection of volume intensity mminimum=switch off)
-push to 3 positions for selection light/radio/light+radio

Feel blue?..Listen blues..